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How to Safely Enjoy the Sun This Summer: 5 Skin Care Tips

How to Safely Enjoy the Sun This Summer: 5 Skin Care Tips

The sun-soaked days of summer are fast approaching. It's the perfect time to enjoy outdoor activities from backyard barbecues to relaxing days on the beach. Amid the fun, these activities can harm your skin when not balanced with proper sun protection measures.

The team at Hines Dermatology Associates, led by dermatologist and dermatopathologist Dr. Yvonne Hines, offers these five essential skin care tips to help you safely enjoy the summer sun. With the right strategies, you can bask in the sunshine without sacrificing the health of your skin.

Always use sunscreen

Sunscreen isn't just a bottle you grab from the pharmacy when you're headed to the beach. It should be an integral part of your daily skin care routine, regardless of the season. 

Sunscreen provides a shield against the sun's harmful ultraviolet (UVA and UVB) rays, which can lead to skin cancer and premature aging.

We recommend using a broad-spectrum sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 30. Remember to apply it to all exposed areas, including often-overlooked spots like the tops of your ears and the back of your neck.

Wear protective clothing

Beyond sunscreen, you have several options to keep the sun off of your skin. Invest in a wide-brimmed hat, UV-protective sunglasses, and clothing with built-in sun protection.

Keep in mind that not all clothing provides the same degree of sun protection. Dark, tightly woven fabrics tend to offer more protection than those that are light and loosely woven.

Limit sun exposure during peak hours

The sun's rays are strongest between 10am and 4pm, so be extra mindful of protecting your skin during these hours. Seek out shaded areas and make sure to apply and reapply sunscreen and wear protective clothing.

Hydrate your skin

Sun exposure can lead to dehydration, which in turn can make your skin dry and more vulnerable to damage. Make sure to drink plenty of water and use a moisturizer designed for your skin type to keep it hydrated.

Check your skin regularly

Self-examinations are key to detecting early signs of issues like cancer. Make it a habit to check your skin once a month for any changes or irregularities. Look for new moles, or changes in existing moles or freckles. If you notice anything unusual, schedule an appointment with your dermatologist right away.

Enjoying the sun doesn’t mean you have to put your skin at risk. By following these essential skin care tips, you can soak up the sun safely and keep your skin looking its healthiest.

Well-protected skin means a summer of outdoor fun without worries. Dr. Hines and the entire team are here to help you enjoy the sun safely and keep your skin radiant. For this and all of your skin care needs, call us at 508-222-1976 to schedule a visit with a Hines Dermatology Associates provider. 

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