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Does Melanoma Always Emerge From an Atypical Mole?

Melanoma can develop in various ways, but it usually starts as a newly formed skin patch or a mole that has changed in size, color, or shape. While it’s the most dangerous form of skin cancer, it’s treatable if found early.
May 16th, 2024

7 Simple Ways to Reduce Rosacea Flare-ups

Rosacea symptoms can show up seemingly unprovoked, only to go away and appear again. Fortunately, though, there are a number of strategies you can use to manage rosacea flares.
Apr 15th, 2024
Why Does My Athlete's Foot Keep Coming Back?

Why Does My Athlete's Foot Keep Coming Back?

Don’t hesitate to seek a professional evaluation if you have a stubborn case of athlete’s foot. Prescription creams and oral medications are available to help get rid of the foot fungus once and for all.
Mar 21st, 2024
Does Psoriasis Get Better With Age?

Does Psoriasis Get Better With Age?

You may experience some changes in your psoriasis with age. However, you don’t have to wait around to see if your skin will improve on its own. Get in touch with a dermatologist to find the right treatment options to best manage it.
Jan 18th, 2024
Are Moles Usually Benign?

Are Moles Usually Benign?

Early detection is key to spotting skin cancer while it’s the most treatable, and it starts with knowing what separates suspicious moles from harmless ones. If you spot a suspicious mole, reach out to a dermatologist right away.
Nov 1st, 2023
5 Ways to Avoid Eczema Triggers

5 Ways to Avoid Eczema Triggers

Imagine reclaiming your life from the constant itch and irritation of eczema. The secret lies in knowing how to dodge the triggers that bring on those dreaded flare-ups.
Oct 1st, 2023
How Botox Can Treat Your Hyperhidrosis

How Botox Can Treat Your Hyperhidrosis

Excessive sweating can turn simple activities like handshakes and wearing summer clothing into sources of anxiety. Botox® offers a scientifically backed solution to drastically reduce this unwelcome sweating and enhance your quality of life.
Sep 6th, 2023
My Rosacea Is Embarrassing: Can You Help?

My Rosacea Is Embarrassing: Can You Help?

Living with rosacea can feel like you're constantly battling against your own skin. But with the right knowledge and a dedicated team by your side, you can regain control and embrace your skin with confidence again.
Aug 3rd, 2023
Unmasking hidden culprits is crucial to getting the right treatment when your skin goes awry. Discover the stubborn skin diso

Stubborn Skin Disorders That Look a Lot Like Acne

Unmasking hidden culprits is crucial to getting the right treatment when your skin goes awry. Discover the stubborn skin disorders that masquerade as acne, causing confusion and frustration.
Jul 11th, 2023
6 Encouraging Facts About Alopecia

6 Encouraging Facts About Alopecia

Partnering with a dermatologist is essential for anyone seeking effective solutions for alopecia. Don't let hair loss hold you back. Take the first step and work with a dermatologist to find a solution that works for you.
May 18th, 2023

How to Manage Your Hormone-Related Skin Disorder

Hormonal problems can cause a range of different issues that affect your skin and hair. Working with a dermatology specialist is the first step toward finding an effective solution so you can feel good in your skin again.
Apr 13th, 2023
Title: Acne vs. Epidermoid Cyst: What's the Difference?

Acne vs. Epidermoid Cyst: What's the Difference?

It’s important to understand the difference between acne and epidermoid cysts, a pair of skin conditions that have some similarities. Failing to get a correct diagnosis can delay your wait for the right treatment.
Mar 15th, 2023
4 Types of Rosacea and How They’re Treated

4 Types of Rosacea and How They’re Treated

There is no cure for rosacea. However, no matter the type or types that are causing your symptoms, working with a skin specialist can help get your symptoms under control and improve your skin.
Jan 24th, 2023
Learn How to Check Your Moles With the ABCDE Method

Learn How to Check Your Moles With the ABCDE Method

Learning the ABCs of melanoma could save your life. Using this easy-to-remember criteria increases the chances of detecting changes in moles that may suggest melanoma, the deadliest type of skin cancer.
Dec 13th, 2022
The Benefits of An On-Site Dermatopathology Lab

The Benefits of An On-Site Dermatopathology Lab

The ability to quickly and accurately diagnose skin conditions means getting the right treatment as soon as possible. An on-site dermatopathology laboratory reduces the time spent waiting on a diagnosis.
Nov 10th, 2022
Could it Be Inverse Psoriasis?

Could it Be Inverse Psoriasis?

Because it develops in the skin folds, inverse psoriasis can cause significant discomfort and distress. An accurate diagnosis is the first step to getting this rare form of psoriasis under control and getting relief.
Oct 12th, 2022
Consider These Two Ways to Treat Seborrheic Keratosis

Consider These Two Ways to Treat Seborrheic Keratosis

While it doesn’t threaten your health, seborrheic keratosis can have a major impact on your confidence and self-esteem. Talk to a dermatologist about treatment if seborrheic keratosis affects your appearance.
Sep 8th, 2022
The Link Between Acanthosis Nigricans and Diabetes

The Link Between Acanthosis Nigricans and Diabetes

Acanthosis nigricans, an uncommon skin disorder, is closely linked to problems managing blood sugar. Working together with a dermatologist is the best way to manage problematic skin conditions, including acanthosis nigricans.
Aug 8th, 2022
I'm Nervous About a Lump Under My Skin

I'm Nervous About a Lump Under My Skin

Finding a lump under your skin can be alarming, but it's usually nothing to worry about. Lumps under the skin can be caused by a variety of factors, and they’re usually treatable. See a dermatologist for an accurate diagnosis.
Jun 1st, 2022
Is Athlete's Foot Contagious?

Is Athlete's Foot Contagious?

The pain, itching, and burning of athlete’s foot won’t go away on its own, so don’t put off getting your skin evaluated. Treatment can relieve symptoms and limit the community spread of the contagious fungal infection.
May 3rd, 2022
Helping You Get a Handle on Your Psoriasis

Helping You Get a Handle on Your Psoriasis

It's helpful to know what to do — and what not to do — when it comes to managing psoriasis, whether you're just starting psoriasis treatment or looking for more effective ways to deal with your symptoms.
Apr 6th, 2022
Understanding When a Mole Needs Medical Attention

Understanding When a Mole Needs Medical Attention

Checking your skin for anything unusual is a part of taking good care of yourself. Knowing when a mole needs evaluation helps you detect problems like skin cancer early when it’s easier to treat.
Mar 8th, 2022
Myths and Facts About Melasma

Myths and Facts About Melasma

Melasma can have a major impact on your appearance, but contrary to one of the many myths about melasma, treatment can rescue your skin from the condition’s dark-colored patches. Find out what other myths have been floating around about melasma.
Jan 13th, 2022
Wintertime Tips for Those With Eczema

Wintertime Tips for Those With Eczema

Winter is hard on your skin, and even more so if you have eczema. With some practical tips and know-how, you can combat the effects of winter weather and keep your skin happy.
Dec 13th, 2021
What Causes Impetigo?

What Causes Impetigo?

Impetigo is a common and contagious skin infection that tends to affect small children. Prompt treatment with antibiotics helps to clear the infection and reduce the risk of complications.
Nov 14th, 2021
Here's What You Should Know About Melasma

Here's What You Should Know About Melasma

While melasma isn’t dangerous, it can have a major impact on the appearance of your skin. Fortunately, melasma is treatable and may improve significantly with the right treatment approach.
Oct 13th, 2021
Why Do I Keep Getting Cold Sores?

Why Do I Keep Getting Cold Sores?

Cold sores are painful and uncomfortable, and they can have an impact on how you feel about yourself. If you experience recurrent breakouts, it’s time to discuss treatment options to manage your flares.
Sep 9th, 2021
Do Warts Go Away on Their Own?

Do Warts Go Away on Their Own?

Warts are usually not life-threatening. However, some warts, depending on their location, can cause pain, and they may affect your appearance. Treatment to remove your wart is available when you’re ready.
Aug 17th, 2021

What to Do About an Unusual Mole

A licensed dermatologist is your go-to medical professional for all things skin-related. If you see something, say something. An unusual-looking mole may be a sign of melanoma skin cancer, but when caught early, it’s easier to treat.
Jul 15th, 2021

Summertime Tips for Managing Rosacea

Rosacea doesn’t have to put a damper on your summer. By taking a few steps to avoid your triggers and adjusting your lifestyle habits, you can enjoy the summer months and keep rosacea flares at bay.
Jun 29th, 2021

Symptoms of Chromhidrosis

If your sweat doesn’t look quite right, or you notice that instead of it being clear, your sweat has a color to it, you could have a rare condition called chromhidrosis. Visiting a specialist is the first step toward getting answers and treatment.
May 24th, 2021

Dissecting Cellulitis of the Scalp: Signs and Treatments

Dissecting cellulitis of the scalp affects the hair follicles. The condition is painful and often distressing. Treatments are available to manage dissecting cellulitis and minimize the impact on your quality of life.
Mar 17th, 2021

Warning Signs of Hidradenitis Suppurativa

Hidradenitis suppurativa is a rare, painful skin disease with symptoms that range from mild to severe. For a proper diagnosis and appropriate treatment, it’s necessary to schedule a visit with a dermatology specialist.
Feb 16th, 2021

What to Do About Severe Eczema

Living with severe eczema can feel like a prison sentence. Like many chronic diseases, eczema treatment requires careful management. With the help of a dermatologist, you can reduce the severity of your symptoms.
Jan 18th, 2021

Epidermolytic Ichthyosis Symptoms and Treatment

Epidermolytic ichthyosis (EI) makes skin itchy, scaly, and sensitive. Special care is vital to keep skin as healthy as possible and to prevent serious complications. With proper care, children and adults with EI can lead normal lives.
Dec 17th, 2020

Severe Alopecia: Is There Hope?

Searching for alopecia treatment can leave you feeling distressed and hopeless as you lose your hair. While most treatments typically have limited effectiveness, there is hope in emerging treatments shown to benefit people with severe alopecia.
Nov 18th, 2020

Why You Shouldn't Wait to Treat Actinic Keratosis

If you find an abnormal spot on your skin, it could be something potentially serious. Getting a thorough skin evaluation is the best first step in detecting skin problems early, so schedule a visit with a skin specialist.
Oct 18th, 2020

Signs of Malignant Skin Lesions

Skin cancer can strike unexpectedly. The best steps you can take to protect yourself against skin cancer are checking your skin regularly (and knowing what to look for), and scheduling regular checkups with your dermatologist.
Sep 18th, 2020

Look for These Four Common Signs of Vitiligo

Vitiligo is a long-term, progressive skin condition that may affect your self-image. Treatment is aimed at restoring pigmentation to create a uniform skin tone. Discuss treatment options with your dermatologist.
Aug 20th, 2020

What Does Seborrheic Dermatitis Look Like?

Seborrheic dermatitis is a skin disease that can cause discomfort, emotional stress, and anxiety. Fortunately, treatment is available to reduce the symptoms and impact on your life so you can feel like yourself again.
Jul 23rd, 2020

How Lupus Affects the Skin

Most patients with lupus are highly sensitive to sunlight. Even minimal amounts of sunlight can cause flare-ups and worsen skin diseases. Protecting yourself from the sun is essential to managing lupus-specific skin problems.
Jun 23rd, 2020

What Is Pemphigus and How Is It Treated?

Pemphigus is a skin disease that can impact your quality of life, causing emotional stress, anxiety, and sleep disturbance. Fortunately, treatment is available to help you get your life back.
May 29th, 2020

The 5 Most Common Rosacea Triggers

Rosacea is a complex and chronic skin condition that is easily triggered by common environments and activities. Learn about what triggers this lesser-known condition and discuss it with a health care professional.
Apr 28th, 2020

How to Tell Whether That Itchy Rash Is Eczema or Psoriasis

Got an itch? A recurring rash such as eczema or psoriasis can be troublesome and annoying. Learn how to figure out if your rash is one of these two common skin disorders so you can manage your condition and find relief fast.
Mar 23rd, 2020

8 Myths About Acne Debunked

Acne can cause pain and irritation all over your skin and have an effect on your life. Put your best face forward by separating myth from fact when it comes to caring for acne-prone skin.
Feb 10th, 2020